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Ashley Judd, #MeToo founders react to ruling overturning Harvey Weinstein's conviction

NEW YORK (AP) — A New York appeals court overturned Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction on Thursday, saying the trial judge should not have allowed other women to testify about alleged assaults the movie mogul wasn’t charged with. Here is some of the reaction to the decision:


“This is what it’s like to be a woman in America, living with male entitlement to our bodies.” — Ashley Judd, whose on-the-record statement accusing Weinstein of sexually harassing her as a young actor helped launch the case.


“Judges throughout this nation are going to scale back what they allow to come into evidence because it’s a constitutional right to tell your side of the story without having so much baggage from your whole life being put on display to a jury .. Harvey will, under this new ruling, be able to take the stand, will be able to tell his side of the story and be very consistent with what he said all along, which is, ‘Yes, there was the sexual encounter ... But I never forced her to do anything.’ ” — Weinstein lawyer Arthur Aidala.

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